Keywords Understanding: This app, developed by Aptus Speech and Language Therapy, is essentially a following directions/auditory comprehension app. One
can work on simple one step instructions, such as "Which one is (color
or size)?" or "Touch the (object)." One can increase the complexity by
adding color + size to the task such as "Touch the small yellow bag" and
further by making it a two-step instruction like, "Point to the small
yellow bag and the big pink hat." The next level of difficulty adds the
temporal concepts before and/or after to the instruction. One can select
to focus on one or the other concept, its position at the start or
middle of the sentence, or both alternating the position in the
instruction such as:
Touch the butterfly before you touch the bag.
Touch the butterfly after you touch the bag.
Before you touch the butterfly touch the bag.
After you touch the butterfly touch the bag.
selections are Xed accompanied by the plucking of a guitar string (if
audio feedback is chosen in options) and correct selections are checked
along with a tinkling sound (again, if audio feedback is selected). I
like the 29 clear and brightly colored photos of objects. In addition to
the objects are five primary color and two temporal concept choices—before and after. One
can select the number of trials of the task. The number selected
appears on each screen.The child's score is shown with number correct
shown along with the number of trials: 2/5 = two out of five trials
correct, and the error(s) such as "pink box for green box." One can
select audio feedback, only positive feedback or no feedback. Mode
options are audio + text, audio only, or text only. There is no
database, record or reward options. I asked the developer about this. Because this app was designed to be used by adults, as well as children, the developer felt it best to not include rewards.
app is straightforward and unadorned. Am I enthusiastic? Not Really.
This app reminds me of the apps available when the iPad first entered
the market. Apps have come a long way since then. It is left to be seen
how this one will do in the competitive app market.
Ages: 3-5Rating:++
Developer's Website: under construction
Cost: $11.99