Free Apps I Recommend
Grasshopper Apps puts out a series of “I Like” ebooks for children that are great. Each book of the series focuses on a specific topic and the photographs are excellent. What I like about the photographs is that they exude warmth. The reading level for each is first grade for children who prefer to read by themselves. The other option, for younger children, is for the book to be read to them by the narrator. Autoplay is another option available. One can record one’s voice, customize stories and change them to suit the needs of the children. One has the option of highlighting words, story and pictures. What this means is that when you tap on a word it will turn from black to red as it is read aloud. When the Read to Me or Autoplay is selected, each word turns red as it is read to the child. The books can be used when working on vocabulary, contrasting concepts, verbs and adjectives .
The free apps are: I Like Grandpa, I Like Fall, I Like Animals, I Like Numbers, I Like Planes, I Like Reading, I Like School, I Like My Sister, I Like Snow, I Like Spring, I Like Sticks, I Like Stones, I Like Summer, I Like Water, and I Like Writing.
Ratings: +++
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Cost: Free